Drag N’ Paint with Miss Flo

Drag N’ Paint with Miss Flofri28aug6:30 pm

Event Details

Drag N’ Paint with Miss Flo will take place at the Betty Jayne Brimmer Center for the Performing Arts (located at 1327 East Kelly Ave. in Peoria Heights) beginning at 6:30 pm. Miss Flo and Megan Couri will guide you and your friends to create a work of art. Admission includes all art supplies and a take home canvas. A cash bar will be available.  Social distancing will be observed and a cash bar will be available with service to the front lawn.  No outside beverages will be permitted.  Please bring a blanket or lawn chair.  Admission is $20 in advance or $25 at the door.  For more information, visit www.thebettyjayne.com


Betty Jayne Brimmer Center for the Performing Arts

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